Sunday, November 21, 2010


Well, we made it through 5.5 years of parenting without any major injuries requiring a trip to the Emergency Room. That ended yesterday. I was upstairs getting ready to take Jonah to Target to pick out birthday gifts for his cousins. The plan was that we'd go buy the gifts while Daddy watched the Ohio State game. We'd come home, wrap said gifts, and all 3 go to the party. I'd have to leave the party early to go babysit.

So, I was upstairs. Karl and Jonah were downstairs playing/watching tv in the living room. I heard the sound of glass breaking. I thought someone had broken a window because there was no cry, just "Jonah go to Mommy". I thought K wanted J out of the way of broken glass or something. So he came to me, hand out, bleeding. I had just put clean towels in the linen closet and we were right there so I grabbed one and wrapped his hand and held him. He really only cried a few tears. Took a look at the hand a few minutes later and saw that it wasn't bleeding much anymore but there was a huge gash and I thought I saw a tendon or something. Something just didn't look right. So I told Karl to get J's shoes and coat and get him in the car while I grabbed my coat, shoes, and purse.

We drove to Urgent Care, wondering if they'd still be open. They were. Only 3 cars in the parking lot. No one in the waiting room. GREAT, we thought, we'll be seen quickly and be home in no time. WRONG. The people at the desk asked what happened, took a quick look at J's hand, and said we should go to the ER. They didn't want to touch it because they thought he'd sliced a tendon.

Luckily, right next door was a new hospital. Tri Point. They signed him in right away, took his vitals, and put us in an ER room. The doctor came in a few minutes later, took a look at it, and the first thing she said was "Have you ever had stitches before?", Jonah said no, and she said "Well, we're gonna send you to x-ray to make sure there's no glass in there and then we'll stitch that cut up. It won't be easy."

So we went right to x-ray, where they found NO glass in his hand. Took him back, he got 5 stitches, bandaged him up, gave him a prescription for an antibiotic, and we were discharged. Everyone at the hospital was impressed at how great Jonah tears, no yelling, no fighting. He just let them do what they needed to do. They said he did better than most adults. Tri Point staff was great and we weren't kept waiting much at all, the longest we waited was about 15 minutes for his discharge paperwork.

I may not have made it to my babysitting job last night, but we did still make it (an hour late) to the party! I am so proud of my big, brave boy. Pray it heals well and doesn't get infected. :-)

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rokenbok ROCKS!

Look what the FedEx man brought for Jonah a couple weeks ago!

It's the Rokenbok Get Rok'n Young Builder & Action Set. It consists of a dump truck, wireless remote control, red and blue balls (called Roks), blocks to build with, and an awesome conveyor belt.

Set up was fast and easy thanks to the large, full-color illustrations. Within minutes we were ready to go. The wireless controller "is fun and feels like a big kid toy", according to 5 year old Jonah. That's good because this set can be used with the sets Rokenbok makes for older children. With the "heirloom quality" construction and LIFETIME GUARANTEE on Rok Blocks, construction pieces, and Rok Star controllers, we will most likely be using this set years from now as a part of our family's collection, or as J calls it, our Rok'n World.

My son, our family, and friends have already spent hours playing with our Get Rok'n Young Builder & Action Set. I asked Jonah what he liked about it and he said "the conveyor belt because it can sort the balls". He seems amazed every time he dumps a load of Roks into it and the conveyor starts automatically, lifts up the balls, and sorts them by color. Then he loves to drive the dump truck over to collect them, sometimes towing the trailer we made out of the included blocks.

Jonah's five year old cousin, Isabella, enjoys playing with it, too. She said "it's cool." We also have neighbors that ask to play with it, and they are seven and nine years old! It's a hit with all the kids that have seen it, and a hit with this mom, too. I knew that Jonah would love this toy, but I was surprised how much his Dad and I enjoy playing with it! In fact, we liked it so much that we went out last weekend and bought a few "big kid" Rokenbok sets: a monorail and the Power Chutes Start Set. We're trying to buy the older Rokenbok sets (with the white, corded controllers and number keys) while we can find them, and then we're planning to add the newer sets with the yellow, wireless Rok Star controllers. And what's on Jonah's Christmas list this year? A Rokenbok crane and Rokenbok forklift.

Happy Rok'n!

*******Rokenbok provided us with the Get Rok'n Young Builder & Action Set to review, but all opinions are our own*********

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

This Kid

This kid got up and cleared his own place at Qdoba the other day, and then cleared Mommy's and Daddy's without being asked. He simply informed me "I am taking the initiative!"

This kid was excited to serve with our church this past Sunday at a low-income development. He braved the cold for a couple hours so we could hand out winter gear, a hot lunch, and socialize with the residents. This wonderful kid took his new mittens off his own hands and gave them to a little boy there.

This kid painted animal bobbleheads with his cousin yesterday. There were 3 in the package and he insisted on sending the extra one home with his cousin, for her older sister so she wouldn't feel left out.

This kid found a Hot Topic bag at the mall this afternoon and knew right away that we should take it to the customer service desk.

This kid amazes me. If only he'd cooperate for pictures. ;-)