Friday, April 30, 2010
What is this?
Oh yes, it's a flower that Jonah brought me.
Well, *two* flowers, actually.
How sweet is he, bringing flowers to Mommy?!
He certainly doesn't get that from his dad!
As nice as they are...
I can't help but feel bad...
for the neighbor whose yard he picked them from!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Chapin Forest
We had a great time throwing rocks into Quarry Pond, eating our picnic lunch, and talking/walking with a pleasant older couple. When we parted ways with the couple (whose names I immediately forgot), Jonah and I headed to the Lucky Stone Loop trail.
The view was amazing.
We could even see Lake Erie and the Cleveland skyline, which is 18 miles away.
We saw many beautiful trees.
It was an enjoyable 1.5 mile walk.
Well, for us, we made it about a 2 mile walk because Jonah wanted to go down a different path at one point.
Jonah did great. He walked for quite some time without stopping. Then I carried him piggyback for a short time. He walked again. I piggybacked him again. All in all, I would say he walked a mile and a half by himself.
Little boys do get tired, though.
So we took a rest and listened to the birds.
Jonah was a bit disappointed that Chapin doesn't have a real working quarry, but he soon got over it and enjoyed our day.
After our hike, we played on the playground at Chapin. Then our neighbors called and asked us to meet at Garfield Park, so Jonah got to play there for 2 hours. THEN, he played outside at home for another 2 hours or so, and the ice cream truck came. I had one happy, worn out boy.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Green Grass
They say that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Frankly, I have felt that way often. That I’m on the less green side. Everyone else seems to have more and/or better things than we do. We don’t own our house, we don’t have the newest cars, and we don’t take fancy vacations. In this materialistic society, it is so easy to get caught up on what we *don’t* have and forget about the blessings we do have. If I choose to focus on everything we don’t have, then yes the grass is way greener over there. Ours would be looking dull and brown.
a few many blessings. A husband, a son…all of us healthy. Friends and family that love us despite our many flaws quirks. A great church-well, technically TWO great churches, as we are in the process of switching from a great one to another great one closer to home. A too small home that is just enough for our small family. Two cars that run, jobs, insurance, enough income to pay our bills and provide our needs. Above all else, a God that loves us and forgives us. When we choose to focus on the blessings, it’s obvious we’re very blessed people. When I look at life this way, our grass is very green.
To at least one person, we are on the side of the fence that has the greener grass. And we’re opening the gate.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Never Heard a Prayer Quite Like This Before
We started driving out of our development, and two teenagers on bikes were in the road ahead. One turned right and rode off. The other was waiting to turn left, and was in front of my car, so we were stuck there waiting behind him.
Jonah is very observant these days.
He said to me "Mommy, are those his BOXERS?!"
I looked again.
Well, he was wearing jeans.
But I don't think one inch of denim actually covered the young man's rear end.
I couldn't lie, so I agreed that yes, they *are* his boxers.
My son promptly bowed his head, folded his hands, and prayed:
Dear God,
Please make him take off his underwear.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Eggshell Land
Every year, for the past 50-some years, a man & wife set up a display in their front yard. Each year has a theme, and takes thousands and thousands of eggshells. Over 32,000 eggshells this year!
It is so cool. J loved it (but loved the old 1950's car in their driveway even more!)
Hope you had a HOPPY Easter!